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Telling stories of your business, people, and community.
Let's Meet

You have worked for your cause, let it inspire others

CSR & NGO’s projects put in strong efforts to work for a cause, and develop strong plans to bring out impactful systemic change. We make sure that our work does justice to the cause you have fought for. In every plan, team, resource, beneficiary - there is a thread that ties them together in a heartfelt narrative story. And these stories make for the most impactful documentaries.

Social work needs to be social too

‘Impact happens when it is told’ - a realistic philosophy to stick by. When there are programmes to be funded and sustained, it becomes imperative to communicate your “efforts” to an audience. This is where the power of short documentaries is realised, as through them you can unapologetically talk about the causes your team has fought for, and effectively hold the attention of the most skeptical viewers & stakeholders.

Latest Works

Payment Formalisation Activity
Learning Activity For Migrant Children
Swatch Aadat Programme